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Perioperative considerations in the oncologic patient undergoing isolated limb perfusion

doi: 10.24875/j.gamo.M18000128

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Consideraciones perioperatorias en el paciente oncológico sometido a perfusión aislada de la extremidad

doi: 10.24875/j.gamo.M17000086

Full Article in PDF (Spanish)

VOLUME 16 - NUMBER 5 / September-October (Review article / Artículo de revisión)

Luis Felipe Cuellar-Guzmán, Servicio de Anestesiología, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Ciudad de México. México
Giancarlo Ferretiz-López, Curso de Alta Especialidad en Anestesia Oncológica, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Ciudad de México, México
Neftalí Cárdenas-Herrera, Departamento de Anestesiología y Terapia Intensiva, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Ciudad de México, México

Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) and hyperthermic ILP (HILP) are therapeutic options for patients with unresectable malignancies in the extremities (e.g., primarily melanoma and soft tissue tumors), they induce a high rate of tumor response; associates with high limb salvage rates and represents an effective alternative to amputation. These are challenging procedures with a high technical difficulty that require the efforts of a multidisciplinary team (surgeon, anesthesiologist, nurse, perfusionist and intensivist). Hemodynamic changes, drug leakage through collateral vessels, local and systemic toxicity, and potential complications require continuous and invasive monitoring during the procedure and rigorous post-surgical monitoring. The purpose of this review article was to update the strategies for the perioperative care of cancer patients undergoing this procedure.

Keywords: Isolation perfusion cancer chemotherapy. Regional perfusion antineoplastic chemotherapy. Perioperative care. Anesthesia.